Shrinivas Chimmalgi
- Scientific researcher
- group:
Prof. Schmalen
- room: 110
Communication Engineering Lab (CEL) 06.45 - s chimmalgi ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Hertzstr.
16 76187 Karlsruhe
Current Theses
Open Theses
Title | Supervisor | Type |
There are currently no open theses. |
Theses In Progress
Title | Supervisor | Type |
There are currently no theses in progress. |
Full List of Publications
Journal papers
A. Rode, B. Geiger, S. Chimmalgi and L. Schmalen, "End-to-end optimization of constellation shaping for Wiener phase noise channels with a differentiable blind phase search," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 3849-3859, Jun. 2023,
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S. Chimmalgi and S. Wahls, "Bounds on the Transmit Power of b-Modulated NFDM Systems in Anomalous Dispersion Fiber," Entropy, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 639, Jun. 2020
[ Cite ] [ Available here ] -
V. Bajaj, S. Chimmalgi, V. Aref and S. Wahls, "Exact NFDM Transmission in the Presence of Fiber-Loss," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 38, no. 11, pp. 3051–3058, Jun. 2020
[ Cite ] [ Available here ] -
S. Chimmalgi, P. Prins and S. Wahls, "Fast Nonlinear Fourier Transform Algorithms Using Higher Order Exponential Integrators," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 145161–145176, 2019
[ Cite ] [ Available here ] -
S. Wahls, S. Chimmalgi and P. Prins, "FNFT: A Software Library for Computing Nonlinear Fourier Transforms," Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 3, no. 23, pp. 597, Mar. 2018
[ Cite ] [ Available here ]
Conference papers
C. Muth, L. Schmidt, S. Chimmalgi and L. Schmalen, "Improved estimation accuracy in OFDM-based joint communication and sensing through Kalman tracking and interpolation," Proc. Intl. ITG Conf. on Systems, Communications, and Coding (SCC), Karlsruhe, Germany, Mar. 2025,
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A. Rode, S. Chimmalgi, B. Geiger and L. Schmalen, "Joint geometric and probabilistic constellation shaping with MOKka," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking (ICMLCN), Stockholm, Sweden, May. 2024, Demo session
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A. Rode, W. A. Gebrehiwot, S. Chimmalgi and L. Schmalen, "Optimized geometric constellation shaping for Wiener phase noise channels with Viterbi-Viterbi carrier phase estimation," Proc. Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC), Glasgow, UK, Oct. 2023,
[ Cite ] -
S. Chimmalgi, A. Rode, L. Schmid and L. Schmalen, "Approximate maximum a posteriori carrier phase estimator for Wiener phase noise channels using belief propagation," Proc. Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC), Glasgow, UK, Oct. 2023,
[ Cite ] -
S. Wahls, S. Chimmalgi and P. Prins, "Wiener-Hopf Method for b-Modulation," Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Mar. 2019
[ Cite ] [ Available here ] -
S. Chimmalgi and S. Wahls, "Theoretical analysis of maximum transmit power in a b-modulator," Proc. Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC), 2019
[ Cite ] [ Available here ] -
V. Bajaj, S. Chimmalgi, V. Aref and S. Wahls, "Exact nonlinear frequency division multiplexing in lossy fibers," Proc. Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC), 2019
[ Cite ] [ Available here ] -
M. Brehler, C. Mahnke, S. Chimmalgi and S. Wahls, "NFDMLab: Simulating Nonlinear Frequency Division Multiplexing in Python," Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), 2019
[ Cite ] [ Available here ] -
S. Chimmalgi, P. Prins and S. Wahls, "Nonlinear Fourier Transform Algorithm Using a Higher Order Exponential Integrator," Proc. Advanced Photonics 2018 (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, SOF), 2018
[ Cite ] [ Available here ] -
S. Chimmalgi and S. Wahls, "Discrete Darboux based Fast Inverse Nonlinear Fourier Transform Algorithm for Multi-solitons," Proc. Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC), Sep. 2017
[ Cite ] [ Available here ]