Boris Karanov, Ph.D.
- Post-doctoral researcher
- Gruppe:
Prof. Schmalen
- Raum: 203
Campus West 06.45 - boris karanov ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Hertzstr. 16
76187 Karlsruhe
Aktuelle Arbeiten
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Gesamte Liste der Veröffentlichungen
B. Karanov, "Towards robust end-to-end neural network-based transceivers for short reach fiber links," Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 90, no. 104069, Mar. 2025, invited paper
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L. V. Fiorio, B. Karanov, B. Defraene, J. David, F. Widdershoven, W. van Houtum and R. M. Aarts, "Spectral masking with explicit time-context windowing for neural network-based monaural speech enhancement," IEEE Access, 2024, early access
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F. Ferreira, E. Sillekens, B. Karanov and R. Killey, "Digital back propagation via sub-band processing in spatial multiplexing systems," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 1020-1026, Feb. 2021
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B. Karanov, D. Lavery, P. Bayvel and L. Schmalen, "End-to-end optimized transmission over dispersive intensity-modulated channels using bidirectional recurrent neural networks," Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 14, pp. 19650–19663, Jul. 2019,
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Z. Liu, B. Karanov, L. Galdino, J. R. Hayes, D. Lavery, K. Clark, B. C. Thomsen, K. Shi, D. Elson, M. Petrovich, D. J. Richardson, F. Poletti, R. Slavik and P. Bayvel, "Nonlinearity-free coherent transmission in hollow-core antiresonant fiber," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 909-916, Feb. 2019
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B. Karanov, M. Chagnon, F. Thouin, T. Eriksson, H. Bülow, D. Lavery, P. Bayvel and L. Schmalen, "End-to-end deep learning of optical fiber communications," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 36, no. 20, pp. 4843–4855, Oct. 2018,
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T. Xu, B. Karanov, N. A. Shevchenko, D. Lavery, G. Liga, R. Killey and P. Bayvel, "igital nonlinearity compensation in high-capacity optical communication systems considering signal spectral broadening effect," Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 1, Oct. 2017
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B. Karanov, T. Xu, N. A. Shevchenko, D. Lavery, R. Killey and P. Bayvel, "Span length and information rate optimisation in optical communication systems using single-channel digital backpropagation," Optics Express, vol. 25, no. 21, pp. 25353-25362, 2017
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B. Karanov, P. Bayvel and L. Schmalen, "Machine learning for short reach optical fiber systems," in A. P. T. Lau and F. N. Khan (eds.), Machine Learning for Future Fiber-optic Communication Systems, pp. 65-90, Academic Press, Mar. 2022
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C.-H. Chen, B. Karanov, I. Nikoloska, W. van Houtum, Y. Wu and A. Alvarado, "Modified Baum-Welch algorithm for joint blind channel estimation and turbo equalization," Proc. Intl. ITG Conf. on Systems, Communications, and Coding (SCC), Karlsruhe, Germany, Mar. 2025
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C.-H. Chen, W.-H. Huang, B. Karanov, A. Young, Y. Wu and W. van Houtum, "Analysis of impulsive interference in digital audio broadcasting systems in electric vehicles," Proc. 44th Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, 2024
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C.-H. Chen, B. Karanov, W. van Houtum, W. Yan, A. Young and A. Alvarado, "On the robustness of deep learning-aided symbol detectors to varying conditions and imperfect channel knowledge," Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. and Networking Conf. (WCNC), 2024
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L. V. Fiorio, B. Karanov, J. David, W. van Houtum, F. Widdershoven and R. M. Aarts, "Semi-supervised learning with per-class adaptive confidence scores for acoustic environment classification with imbalanced data," Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP), Rhodes, Greence, Jun. 2023
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V. Oliari, B. Karanov, S. Goossens, G. Liga, O. Vassilieva, I. Kim, P. Palacharla, C. Okonkwo and A. Alvarado, "Hybrid geometric and probabilistic shaping; is it really necessary?," Proc. Advanced Photonic Congress: Signal Processing in Photonic Communications (SPPCom), pp. SpTu1J.4, Jul. 2022
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E. Sillekens, W. Yi, D. Semrau, A. Ottino, B. Karanov, D. Lavery, L. Galdino, P. Bayvel, R. I. Killey, S. Zhou, K. Law and J. Chen, "Time-domain learned digital back-propagation," Proc. IEEE Workshop Signal Process. Syst. (SiPS), Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 2021
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B. Karanov, L. Schmalen and A. Alvarado, "Distance-Agnostic Auto-Encoders for Short Reach Fiber Communications," Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), pp. Tu5D.1, San Francisco, CA, USA, Jun. 2021
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B. Karanov, P. Bayvel and L. Schmalen, "End-to-end learning in optical fiber communications: concept and transceiver design," Proc. Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 2020
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B. Karanov, V. Oliari, M. Chagnon, G. Liga, A. Alvarado, V. Aref, D. Lavery, P. Bayvel and L. Schmalen, "End-to-end learning in optical fiber communications: experimental demonstration and future trends," Proc. Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 2020
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B. Karanov, M. Chagnon, V. Aref, F. Ferreira, D. Lavery, P. Bayvel and L. Schmalen, "Experimental Investigation of Deep Learning for Digital Signal Processing in Short Reach Optical Fiber Communications," Proc. IEEE Workshop Signal Process. Syst. (SiPS), Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 2020,
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T. Xu, J. Ding, Y. Liu, W. Hu, B. Karanov, N. A. Shevchenko, Z. Li and T. Liu, "Influence of spectral broadening on nonlinearity compensation in ultra-wideband optical fiber communications," Proc. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Oct. 2020
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B. Karanov, M. Chagnon, V. Aref, D. Lavery, P. Bayvel and L. Schmalen, "Optical Fiber Communication Systems Based on End-to-End Deep Learning," IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Vancouver, Canada, Sep. 2020,
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B. Karanov, M. Chagnon, V. Aref, D. Lavery, P. Bayvel and L. Schmalen, "Concept and experimental demonstration of optical IM/DD end-to-end system optimization using a generative model," Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), pp. Th2A.48, San Diego, CA, USA, Mar. 2020,
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B. Karanov, G. Liga, V. Aref, D. Lavery, P. Bayvel and L. Schmalen, "Deep learning for communication over dispersive nonlinear channels: performance and comparison with classical digital signal processing," Proc. Allerton Annu. Conf. Commun. Control Comp., pp. 192–199, Monticello, IL, USA, Nov. 2019,
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M. Chagnon, B. Karanov and L. Schmalen, "Experimental demonstration of a dispersion tolerant end-to-end deep learning-based IM-DD transmission system," Proc. Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC), pp. Tu4F.6, Rome, Italy, Sep. 2018
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T. Xu, B. Karanov, N. A. Shevchenko, D. Lavery, G. Liga, Z. Li, D. Jia, L. Li, L. Kanthan, R. I. Killey and P. Bayvel, "Spectral broadening effects in optical communication networks: impact and security issue," Proc. International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2018
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B. Karanov, T. Xu, N. A. Shevchenko, D. Lavery, G. Liga, R. Killey and P. Bayvel, "Digital nonlinearity compensation considering signal spectral broadening effects in dispersion-managed systems," Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), pp. W2A.58, San Diego, CA, USA, Mar. 2018
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T. Xu, B. Karanov, N. A. Shevchenko, D. Lavery, G. Liga, R. Killey and P. Bayvel, "Digital nonlinearity compensation in high-capacity optical fibre communication systems: performance and optimisation," Proc. Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO), Riga, Latvia, Nov. 2017
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T. Xu, N. A. Shevchenko, B. Karanov, D. Lavery, L.Galdino, A. Alvarado, R. Killey and P. Bayvel, "Nonlinearity compensation and information rates in fully-loaded C-band optical fibre transmission systems," Proc. Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC), pp. We4F.1, Gothenburg, Sweden, Sep. 2017
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Z. Liu, L. Galdino, J. R. Hayes, D. Lavery, B. Karanov, K. Shi, D. Elson, B. C. Thomsen, M. Petrovich, D. J. Richardson, F. Poletti, R. Slavik and P. Bayvel, "Record high capacity (6.8 Tbit/s) WDM coherent transmission in hollow-core antiresonant fiber," Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), pp. Th5B.8, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar. 2017
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M. Hiraoka, T. Nagashima, B. Karanov, G. Cincotti, S. Shimizu, T. Murakawa, M. Hasegawa, K. Hattori, M. Okuno, S. Mino, A. Himeno, N. Wada, H. Uenohara and . T. Konishi}, "Optical serial-to-parallel conversion based on fractional OFDM scheme," Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf. (OECC), Niigata, Japan, 2016
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